Happy Holidays, SuperCard players!
With the snow beginning to fall and the sun setting at 4 pm, we can feel it in the air—winter has come, and it has brought with it an avalanche of new cards for you to check out. Let’s not waste any time.
Holiday Theme Set + Legacy Fusions
This year, we’re letting you open your presents early. Starting today, TWO new sets of cards will be battling for their spot in your collection—the Holiday Theme Set and the new Legion Fusions. While you’ll be able to use the Fusion Chamber to generate those fresh Fusions for your collection, you’ll need to hit Bunches ’o’ Punches and a few new quests this month for your shot at the Holiday Theme set. Keep an eye out for them in various packs, too!

Chat Flairs
In Season 10, we added the ability for you to express yourself in-game with various player avatars—and we’re still adding new ones all the time. First, you could be a hot dog. Then, a burger, a dog, a unicorn, a zombie—you get it. We thought we could take your journey of self-realization and expression to the next level with CHAT FLAIRS! Equip these bad boys to line your messages with stylish and festive borders across all chat messages in the game.
As you play different modes in SuperCard, you’ll earn various chat flairs for your accomplishments. You’ll have access to six new ones right from the start, and you’ll find several other ones scattered throughout the game during the holidays. Alternatively, there will be flairs available in promotions and packs (sometimes for a limited time only) similar to cardbacks. Keep your eye out for new ones, and mix and match flairs and avatars until your profile feels distinctly you.
Long Live the King (of the Ring)
And the King (of the Ring) has lived long—since the beginning of SuperCard, in fact. As such, we figured it was due for a few quality-of-life changes. In short, you’ll now be guaranteed an Energy after a determined amount of picks, and you’ll assign all of your energy before starting a KotR bout, instead of after your cards begin to run low. While you won’t be able to assign energy to every card in your deck, you’ll be able to play up to 20 per bout, so choose your placements wisely. Additionally, your cards’ energy will drain a bit more slowly, so you’ll get more energy bang for your buck.
We know King of the Ring is a SuperCard staple, so our hope is that this refresh will simplify things a bit without changing the core mechanics that make it great. Give it a few plays and let us know what you think in this feedback thread.
The Rest.
Honestly, that’s it for now– with Season 11 out and 5 new rarities and hundreds of new cards in the game, we’re ready for a holiday nap. We’ll be cozied up by the fire if you need us.
Until Next Time,
-- WWE SuperCard
Are they gone? Holy Krampus am I deep in it this time, folks.
Santa here. Last year, a group of Superstar nut-job nutcrackers captured me and took me to their lair, very nearly preventing me from spreading holiday cheer to all the good SuperCard players across the globe. Thanks to you and a series of unexpectedly powerful holiday legacy cards, I was able to break free and do my saintly duties. My Saint Nick-ly duties.
Since then, I’ve been training. I’ve been hardening my will and resolve by bench-pressing reindeer, sparring with the elves, and even pushing my sleigh for miles in the frigid cold of the North Pole. After last year, I became filled with holiday determination, and I wasn’t going to let those ho-ho-hooligans get the best of me again.
So, here’s the good news: I’m not waiting around to get captured this time. I’ve infiltrated their lair, and I’ve got some valuable intel that will help you in this year’s WWE SuperCard holiday event—oh, did the person writing the blog above not tell you? Of course, there’s going to be a special holiday event, or my name isn’t Santa.
Let’s get down to it. Whoever’s behind this whole scheme has made a significant upgrade. Instead of simple wood and hinges, this year we’re dealing with some sort of bio-mechanical snow-analog-material humanoids. That’s right—Superstar Snowmen. This year, you’ll need to battle your way through 10 superpowered snow hulks. Simply select your cards, start the battle, and watch as your cards do the rest. Each of these frosty beasts will have their own special attack, such as the ability to mark one of your cards to receive more damage or even to heal themselves. While it won’t be easy to take them all down, you’ll receive a unique Snowman SE for each one you’re able to defeat, so don’t fret too much.

These Super-Snow-Star-Men are equipped with reinforced holiday-tough polyester-polymer exteriors, so you’ll really need to throw your weight at ‘em. If you’re finding that your current roster of cards just isn’t doing the trick, I’ve got more good news– and more bad news.
These Superstar Snowmen have been systematically stealing presents from the good people of SuperCard and scattering them throughout the game. Simply by playing modes like BOOM!, PvP, and King of the Ring (and pulling off the Draft Board), you’ll be collecting stolen presents of different kinds that the Snowmen pinched. There are 5 categories of stolen presents: Decorations, Clothing, Electronics, Treats, and Toys, and you’ll be able to tell which kind is inside by the color of the present: green for decorations, yellow for clothing, blue for electronics, purple for treats, and red for toys. Collect 5 presents, and you’ll be able to open them all, giving yourself 5 new tools for you to use against the Snowmen. That’s right—each Superstar Snowman is weak to specific types of holiday cheer. All you need to do is find the right presents, unbox them, and you’ll have what it takes to defeat these beasts with ease.
On top of being able to collect the Snowmen as individual SEs, they’ll also drop some presents as a reward when they go down, so defrosting these jerks should be your top priority.
I’m currently trapped deep, behind enemy lines, so you’ll need to fight your way through all 10 of the Snowmen to get me into the fight as a Limited Edition card. The Missus has been training by my side all year, too—complete the collection set of the stolen presents, and she’ll join the battle as a Special Edition card as well.

That’s it—I'm terminating my connection to the SuperCard blog laptop now. Time to finish this fight and SAVE SANTA!
-- Santa
Game includes optional in-game purchases and paid random items. Some cards require unlocking with gameplay and/or may only be acquired via certain packs (earned or paid) for a limited time. Cards vary by pack. No guarantee that any Superstar featured will be included as part of a pack.