December Update
We’re raising the roof (ha). We're overjoyed that our newest limited time mode, In Your House, makes its debut on December 5. We're equally overjoyed (overjoyder?) that we're turning on Twitch Drops starting December 7 at 12PM Pacific time.
In Your House is a unique mode that combines aspects of Giants Unleashed gameplay with a new calendar-style progression system that gives you challenges to complete throughout the month. In a nutshell, collect Snowballs from the Draft board and use them to boost your deck strength and challenge opponents that appear. There will be a new opponent every day, and every 5th day will be a boss. These bosses in particular offer new Season 9 Holiday card rewards.
Battle occurs in a Giants Unleashed-style match that lasts three rounds with damage bonuses for matched arrow alignment(s), and damage penalties for mismatching arrows. Once you’ve met the price of admission, you can use up to three additional snowballs to increase the damage done by your cards. One snowball deals +25% of your card’s damage. Two snowballs deal +50% your card’s damage, and three snowballs deal +75% card damage. Think Giants Unleashed stat boosts, but a different set and setting. Bosses on 5th days will cost more snowballs to face off against, and as mentioned, will reward holiday cards if defeated. This year, we have 18 Pixel-Octane, Season 9 Holiday cards with some making appearances as bosses In Your House – like Solo Sikoa, Indi Hartwell, and Kevin Owens.
The big boss on the 25th day of December, Ol’ Saint Mick, will be your toughest and most rewarding challenge. You’ll have 7 days to defeat him so come prepared and gather as many snowballs as you can along the way, which will also be dropping during extended Twitch Drops.
Speaking of that, starting December 7th, Twitch Drops begin again and will run until the last week of December.
The first week of Twitch Drops will be like previous iterations with Season 8 and Season 9 Holiday cards as rewards and a special equipment exclusive to Twitch Drops. Specifically, an Alexa Bliss-themed equipment – Lilly the Doll. There will also be a special card collection set related to Twitch Drops. Collect certain cards from Twitch Drops and earn your shot at a S9 Pixel Holiday card. Twitch Drops will also have an extended component to compliment In Your House. Synergy!
Once the first week of Twitch Drops has concluded, the extended component of Twitch Drops will kick-in and all remaining drops will be snowball collectibles. So, if you are able to watch or stream during those last few weeks of December, awesome! If not, no worries. We want Twitch Drops to supplement the things going on in-game, but not feel like something you have to do during the Holidays. But if you can or are looking for something to do, we’ll see you on Twitch!
Here’s a breakdown of what you can look for in Twitch Drops rewards – this first set of rewards will only be earnable in the first week of Twitch Drops. After that and for the remaining weeks, snowballs will be dropping in perpetuity until Dec 30th.
Watch 2 Hours: Earn Sami Zayn S8 Holiday Card (MST) + 1 snowball + 100 SuperCoins
Watch an additional 4 Hours: Earn The Miz S8 Holiday Card (VAL) + 1 snowball + 100 SuperCoins
Watch an additional 4 Hours: Earn Alexa Bliss S8 Holiday Card (VAL) + 1 snowball
Watch an additional 2 Hours: Earn Bianca Belair SE Card (RWM) + 3 snowballs + 250 SuperCoins
Watch an additional 4 Hours: Earn Solo Sikoa S9 Holiday Card (PXL) + 3 snowballs + 250 SuperCoins
Watch an additional 4 Hours: Earn Lilly (Alexa Special Equipment) + 5 snowballs
Watch an additional 4 Hours: Earn Alexa Bliss S9 Holiday Card (EXT) + 5 snowballs
Weeks 2-4: From Dec 14th-30th, players can earn 5x Snowballs for watching 4 hours, up to 7 times total. (Watch 28 hours, earn 35 snowballs)
If you have any questions about Twitch Drops, please refer to our comprehensiveFAQ. It covers everything from redemption to common issues.
Thanks for reading.
– WWE SuperCard